Once upon a time, after living in a 10′ x 40′ trailer for a decade, I said to my spouse, “If living in a trailer until we can afford to have a house built by (high-end custom builder) is a requirement of this marriage, I may need to consider other options.” He said, “If you can get a house built, go right ahead.” So I did.
I found John Wozniak. He had just moved in with my friend Debra was looking for work as a builder in the neighborhood of Caspar, California. First, we built an 360 square foot office / studio on the south west corner of the acre and in that wonderful space I discovered how productive I can be. I was unleashed! I built a website for our guitar accessory business, StringBender, and soon had a thriving mail-order business, an indie record label, new albums, and a new house. I became part of creating the vibrant Caspar Community project. My garden was growing. I could walk to the sea…
I loved my home and my office / studio. I lost it in the divorce. My house is now a vacation home rental. You can stay there if you wish. I’m sure my Ex and the new Mrs will treat you well. Mrs Ex is even a masseuse although, in my experience, she does not offer happy endings.
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